Chatbots are your secret Black Friday weapon

Jordi Cabot
Chatbots Life
Published in
4 min readOct 6, 2021


Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the two single days that concentrate more sales of the whole year. Christmas sales are bigger but they are spread out over a much longer period of time. So, is your online shop ready for Black Friday / Cyber Monday? If you’re not sure you should definitely go over one of the many checklists posts advising you on how to make sure you test your website and checkout process, make sure it scales, etc. Also, this podcast collects a great set of experiences and Insights for Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sales.

But these checklists focus a lot on the technical part and tend to forget that a spike in visitors directly translates into a spike of questions to answer. If you’re too busy to answer those questions immediately, visitors will just bounce to another shop. And with that, your sales will go down.

Unless you know how to clone yourself, the best option to make sure all your visitors get the attention they need is to make sure you add a chatbot to your eCommerce site. Among all the benefits a chatbot brings to eCommerce, they can:

  • Help customers find the products they want
  • Recommend them the products, including those you want to push during these two days (e.g. as you’re running out of stock for some products you may want to redirect visitors to products with a larger remaining stock)
  • Answer any type of FAQ question
  • Up-sell and cross-sell products to maximize the sales per client
  • And do all this in the native language of the client (something that not even your clones would be able to do 🙂 )

Trending Bot Articles:

1. How Conversational AI can Automate Customer Service

2. Automated vs Live Chats: What will the Future of Customer Service Look Like?

3. Chatbots As Medical Assistants In COVID-19 Pandemic

4. Chatbot Vs. Intelligent Virtual Assistant — What’s the difference & Why Care?

But not any bot will do, you need a bot that

  1. Understands your shop catalog. Products, payment methods, orders,… The bot needs to be fully aware of all the shop data.
  2. Dynamically configures itself to use the shop data to provide personalized answers
  3. It lets users to add products to the cart from the bot to speed up the shopping process

Keep in mind that you won’t have the time to use an external bot creation tool to update the conversations every time you want to, for instance, feature a different product or update the availability of the different shipping options. You need a bot that can work out-of-the-box thanks to deep integration with the eCommerce platform you’re on. For instance, like Xatkit does with WooCommerce (for now, expanding to other platforms in the future!).

And you shouldn’t wait until the last minute if you want to get the most out of the chatbot. Even with automatic bots with plenty of built-in conversations you always have the option to add custom FAQs that are very specific to your shop. Get them ready before the D-day arrives. Also, chatbots are a great tool to discover what your visitors are looking for. Most chatbot tools come with a monitoring dashboard where you can see what are the most common questions and, even more importantly, all the questions you were not prepared for. Collect this data and advance and use it to make sure all the information is updated and available in the shop.

Start TODAY preparing your shop for Black Friday with our chatbot, the perfect chatbot for WooCommerce (and it’s not us who say so!)

Don’t forget to give us your 👏 !



ICREA Research Professor at IN3 (UOC). Talking about software engineering, open source, AI and how the three of them can help each other.