Hands-on IBM Watson Chatbot: Basic

Sohini Pattanayak šŸ„‘
Chatbots Life
Published in
4 min readJan 26, 2022


I spent some good time a few months back, reading about IBM Watson Assistants. And I thought, how about I build one. Itā€™s smooth. So I built it using their console and not actually coding it. I manually added the requests and responses and built them. In the next blog, Iā€™ll code one!

I built a bakery-shop bot that takes an order for a Cake of the userā€™s choice and displays the bill for that particular cake. Well, it doesnā€™t have too many functionalities, as itā€™s for starters!

First, we log in to IBM Cloud. Link: https://cloud.ibm.com/

Our dashboard would look like this:

We click on ā€œCreate Resourceā€ and on the Search bar, right under Catalogue, we search for: IBM Watson Chatbot.

We create a new resource.

Now, we are prompted to give the assistant a name, description, and assistant language. This is what the page will look like:

As we go to the Actions section on the left sidebar. We create our first action.

Trending Bot Articles:

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What is an action?

Actions let us create dialogues or questions differently. Each action has a beginning and an ending. Action always comes to an ā€œactionā€ when a user enters something that the action is built to recognize and respond to. This was a tricky explanation šŸ˜‰

I designed a little happy path for this bot. So, what is a Happy Path exactly?

Have you heard of conversational design?

If so, awesome. If not, then here Iā€™ll tell you. Every application that we build has to have a constructive design. Be it visual or voice. This design should give the customer a good experience. While designing bots, we call it conversational design, as this design decides how the conversation is going to start, flow in between and end, with a customer and the bot.

To design a good conversational experience, we need to know our participants

well enough to have an idea of where they are coming from. It puts us in a

better position to map out scenarios of the possible needs they have for each


Hence, this is a little workflow of the conversation that I have designed for this chatbot!

Now, I have added all these responses here in the action area of the Chatbot.

For the final part, hereā€™s a little conversation about me with the chatbot.

Thatā€™s all! You can always add more functionality to this. Thereā€™s no end to it. Since this was a very basic one, to understand the flow, I didnā€™t dig in much. You can access the Live Chatbot and use it! Begin by saying:

I want to order a cake


Donā€™t forget to give us your šŸ‘ !



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